Common Periodontal Treatments for Gum Diseases


Common Periodontal Treatments for Gum Diseases

April 1, 2021

You must have heard this term in the course of your dental visits. While most people think that periodontal treatments are always surgical, that’s not the case. Some periodontal therapies, especially in the early development stages of gum disease, involve deep dental cleaning and root planing to remove tartar from the periodontal pockets.

It also soothes the root by removing nasty toxins. Afterward, the dentist issues an adjunctive therapy in the form of antibiotics and anti-micro bills.

The Encinitas dentist seeks to do the following to your mouth:

  • Eliminate harmful bacteria
  • Make tooth cleaning easier
  • Reform the teeth-supporting bones
  • Remove the risk of future gum damage

Read along to learn more about periodontal treatment in Encinitas.

Are You A Good Candidate?

The best candidates for periodontal surgery are those with severe gum disease that has advanced to weather away the tissues supporting teeth.

Symptoms of gum disease include:

  • Swollen, reddened, or bleeding gums
  • Deep pockets filled with tartar between the gum and teeth
  • Loose teeth
  • Painful chewing
  • Bas breath
  • Receding gums

Your Sinclair Smiles dentist lets you know if periodontal surgery is the best for you. They might recommend conservative treatment for your gums if the disease is not very advanced.

What are The Non-Surgical Treatments?

Some non-surgical treatments for periodontitis include:

Scaling and Root-Planing

This is a precise cleaning of the roots to eliminate excess plaque and tartar. It also helps to combat bacteria and toxins. Sometimes, the dentist can issue systemic antibiotics or modulation therapy.

Most periodontists agree that patients won’t need follow-up therapy after root planing and scaling in most cases. However, continuing maintenance of the treatment is necessary to keep dental health in check.

Tray Delivery Systems

Modern dentistry involves taking impressions of the patient’s teeth to craft tray delivery systems. These impressions allow the Encinitas dentist to create medicine delivery systems for use even at home, as prescribed by your dentist.

Periodontic trays resemble conventional fluoride trays for combating tooth decay. These delivery systems are considered more successful than adjunct non-surgical therapy.

Preparation for Surgery

The type of surgery performed depends on the severity of the disease. Before beginning the surgery, your dentist might recommend a deep root cleaning to eliminate tartar and contaminative bacteria. It might also involve root planning to smooth the root surfaces by removing accumulated tartar.

During the preparation, you will also be required to quit taking medications like aspirin and pain relievers, and blood-thinning medicines. Most dentists also advise against smoking and drinking a day before the procedure.

It’s advisable to arrange for someone to drive you home after the surgery since the sedation medication might not have faded. Most important, follow the doctor’s instructions on how to prepare for the surgery.

Types of Surgical Treatments

There are several surgical treatment options for periodontitis; your dentist determines what treatment is best for you.

Flap Surgery

This is a common procedure that involves the lifting of parts of your gum tissue after making a small incision in it. Your dentist then removes tartar and bacteria from underneath the gums. They then suture back the gums so that it firmly fits around the teeth. After healing, cleaning the teeth and areas of the gums will be easier.

Bone Grafting

This is necessary if the gum disease destroys part of the bone tissue supporting your tooth root. The weathered bone is replaced using a bone graft from another body part or using synthetic or donated bone. The procedure is essential in preventing tooth loss and promoting bone development.

Guided Tissue Regeneration

The technique involves the placement of a tiny material between the bone and gums. This material stimulates the regrowth of the bone tissue.

Soft Tissue Grafts

After the gums recede, you might need a bone graft, so you restore some of the lost tissue. Usually, dentists remove some tissue from the roof of your mouth or use donated tissue to attach to the parts’ roof with the missing gum tissue.


It’s also called gingiva sculpting, and some dentists refer to it as crown lengthening. This periodontal surgery eliminates parts of excess tissue under local anesthesia. Your gums heal in like one week. In the end, the bone tissue is well reshaped, as well as any unnecessary gum tissue, revealing a beautiful natural tooth.

When performed on a single tooth, this procedure evens your gum line. When applied to the whole mouth, you get a broad radiant smile.

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