How to Get Rid of Cold Sores and Canker Sores?


How to Get Rid of Cold Sores and Canker Sores?

October 1, 2021

The common condition of cold sores and canker sores can occur in adults and children. Over 50 percent of the population deals with this problem, and most don’t realize the difference between the two and how to treat them. Cold sores and canker sores are both different but make an appearance in and near the mouth. Anyone affected by this problem will do well to contact the Encinitas dentist providing suitable treatment for both conditions.


This article looks at how to differentiate between cold sores and canker sores, besides giving you information on how to treat and prevent them.


Cold Sores: What Are They?


Cold sores are commonly known by their synonym “fever blisters” and indicate an infection resulting from the herpes simplex virus type I. It is why they are also called oral herpes. However, the name oral herpes shouldn’t confuse you; it is a sexually transmitted disease like genital herpes, which results from the herpes simplex virus type II. Michael P Rosenthal, the Chief of family medicine and physician at the Penn family medicine Pennsylvania Hospital, describes oral herpes as a condition contracted during childhood and young adulthood through nonsexual contact with saliva.


If you are infected with the cold sores virus, it remains in your body. It returns if triggered by conditions like cold, fever, or flu, stress, excessive exposure to sunlight, hormonal changes like menstrual cycles and pregnancy, or even facial trauma or surgery and cuts.


How to Determine Whether You Have Cold Sores?


Cold sores are painful blisters or a group of blisters on the lips, gums, tongue, and the mouth’s roof. Cold sores are itchy with a burning sensation besides tingling and drain fluid throughout the infection’s duration lasting for seven to ten days. First, physicians examine your cold sores to make a diagnosis of their clinical appearance. If uncertainty exists, a swab of fluids from the sores for the herpes simplex virus type I is performed. In most conditions, medications are non-essential. However, antiviral therapy for cold sores treatment is prescribed for recurring cases.


If you are a victim of cold sores, you must seek cold sores treatment because they are highly contagious and can spread merely by contacting another person without the infection. Cold sores spread even if you are undergoing treatment without experiencing any symptoms. Children and young adults are vulnerable to this virus because they are likely to extend it by kissing or sharing utensils.


Canker Sores: What Are They?

Canker sores are tiny round ulcers appearing inside the mouth. Similar to cold sores, they appear singly or in clusters. The precise reasons for canker sores haven’t been identified, but several factors trigger the outbreak. Canker sores are often a result of stress, food allergies, hormonal changes, vitamin deficiencies, hot and spicy foods, and infections.

How to Determine Whether You Have Canker Sores?

You may notice one or more tiny round sores with red edges with a grey, white, or yellow core. Canker sores may appear in different areas of your mouth, including the lips, cheeks, under your tongue, and at the back of your throat. Canker sores are painful but generally go away by themselves in a couple of weeks.

Getting Relieved of Cold Sores and Canker Sores


Both infections tend to heal by themselves within a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, cures for cold sores and canker sores aren’t available. However, many treatments can help speed the healing process or even prevent them altogether.


Treatment for cold sores is usually with ointments, sunscreen, and lip balm. These therapies help slow the spread of the virus and relieve symptoms. Sunscreen and lip balms help prevent cold sores even when they haven’t made an appearance. Pain relievers are helpful if the sores are causing discomfort. However, you must stay away from acidic foods as they can irritate the sores. Cold towels, ice, and cooling ointments are also helpful to keep them cooler.


Ointments, creams, and mouth rinses are often the treatments recommended for canker sores. These remedies help reduce the pain, slow the outbreak or make them less frequent. Canker sores also benefit from avoiding hot and spicy foods because they prevent canker sores from developing and function as treatments for their symptoms. Pain relievers are also helpful to relieve discomfort when required.

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