TMJ & TMD Treatment


TMJ Treatment - Restore Function and Relieve Pain

What is TMJ?

TMJ is inflammation of or problems with the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) located on either side of your head. These joints connect your jaw to your skull, allowing your jaw to function properly – opening and closing your mouth, chewing, speaking, etc. Because they can move in many different directions (forward, back, sideways), these joints are some of the most complex in your body.

Symptoms of TMJ

There are many symptoms that can be related to TMJ disorder. Some of the most common are found below.

  • Pain (jaw, face, ears)
  • Migraine-like headaches
  • Pain and pressure behind eyes
  • Pain, clicking or popping sounds when opening and closing the mouth
  • Jaw issues (feels out of joint, sore muscles)
  • Swollen face

Though a clicking sound or sensation when opening and closing the mouth does not necessarily indicate TMJ issues, if it is accompanied by pain or by limited jaw function, TMJ may be the cause. In addition, pain may be felt in the cheeks and temples where jaw-closing muscles are located. Morning soreness and stiffness often means teeth are clenching and/or grinding at night.

Common causes of TMJ

Some of the most common causes of TMJ include:

  • Injury or dislocation
  • Teeth clenching (often from stress)
  • Poor posture
  • Disk erosion
  • Arthritis
  • Poor tooth or jaw alignment

Benefits of Treatment

Treating temporomandibular joint issues can resolve or lessen pain, swelling, and poor function surrounding the jaw and its muscles. Treatment with our team can relieve persistent TMJ symptoms such as headaches, a locked jaw, clicking when opening the mouth, and pain around the jaw joint.

Since TMJ can also cause long-term oral health issues like worn or decayed teeth as well as more serious joint damage, proper treatment is essential to maintaining good oral health. Treatment of TMJ can also allow you to eat the foods you enjoy without worrying about pain or poor jaw function, reduce the amount of pain medication you’ve been taking, and help increase your overall enjoyment of life.  

Pursuing Treatment

We offer options to relieve and resolve TMJ concerns ranging from dental splints and relaxation techniques to specialized therapies and innovate treatment options. To determine which approach is best for you, we will conduct a detailed assessment of your condition. This will include symptom analysis, jaw and mouth evaluations, and discussions regarding your discomfort and needs.  

Treatment Options

  • Custom dental appliance – The use of a bite plate or splint to keep your upper teeth from grinding against your lower teeth
  • Orthodontic treatment - Because TMJ is related to tooth and jaw alignment issues, sometimes orthodontic treatment can help resolve the symptoms
  • Electromyography – EMG helps us determine the relaxed and stressed positions of your jaw and allows us to identify physical defects in the joint of the jaw
  • MLS laser – The Multiwave Locked System is a form of laser therapy that helps reduce swelling, promote healing, and stimulate cellular metabolism. This has been shown to reduce the symptoms of TMJ disorder  

Get Started

Contact us for a complimentary TMJ consultation. Our team of professionals will work with you to discover the treatment solution that best fits your needs. Don’t wait to find relief. Call for an appointment today!


Call (760) 753-3368 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.