Are you missing one or several teeth in your smile? Looking for a quick, effective, and affordable way to restore your smile’s appearance and function? At Sinclair Smiles, we are proud to offer dental bridge procedure, an excellent treatment option for our patients interested in replacing the missing teeth in their smiles. Wondering if a dental bridge is right for you? Schedule your consultation with our dentist today!
A dental bridge is essentially what it sounds like, a bridge to close the gap in your smile caused by missing teeth. A dental bridge often consists of one or more prosthetic teeth and can be secured into place using dental crowns on adjacent natural teeth or dental implants if needed. Once attached, dental bridges are permanent and will need to be removed by a professional.
When it comes to replacing missing teeth in a patient’s smile, our dental bridges have various benefits over the alternative treatment options:
Are you tired of living life with a partial smile? Schedule your appointment with our dental bridges dentist at Sinclair Smiles today! We happily accept patients from all over the area, including Encinitas, Carlsbad, La Costa, Cardiff, Leucadia, Del Mar, and Rancho Santa Fe.
Our dental bridges family dentist would be happy to evaluate your smile to determine whether dental bridges might be the best option for restoring your smile.
Call (760) 753-3368 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.