How Long Do I Have to Wait to Get Implants After Tooth Removal?

Dental Extraction in Encinitas, CA

How Long Do I Have to Wait to Get Implants After Tooth Removal?

April 1, 2024

Losing a tooth is upsetting, but you may be eager to begin the implant process to restore your smile. However, it’s crucial to wait a certain amount of time after tooth extraction in Encinitas, CA, before placing the implant. Moving too fast increases your risk of complications. Let’s explore why you must wait, how long it typically takes, and what you can do while waiting to get your new implant.

Why should you wait to get implants after extractions?

It’s essential to wait because your jawbone needs time to heal before it is ready to integrate with and support the implant. Immediately after an extraction, your jaw is inflamed, and a socket remains where the tooth used to be.

This empty socket must fill in with new bone growth, a process called osseointegration. It takes several months on average to regenerate enough dense, healthy bone tissue to provide stability for the implant and crown.

If an implant is placed right away, before full healing, the surrounding bone may not be sufficient to keep the implant firmly in place. It could end up failing.

What is the bare minimum time before implant placement?

While it varies per person, the absolute minimum wait time is typically 3-4 months after having a tooth extracted before placing the implant into the bone.

This allows at least partial osseointegration to occur. However, you may be advised to wait longer than 3-4 months, depending on the extent of the extraction procedure and your individual healing capability.

Some dentists may perform an immediate implant right after extraction. But this is generally ill-advised, as the bone and gums won’t have had enough time to heal. The success rates are lower.

To ensure the best results, most patients need to wait at least six months and often 9-12 months before their jawbone has regenerated enough to support a new implant that will last. Consult your dentist near me.

Does the quality of your jawbone affect waiting times?

Yes, the density and volume of bone present in your jaw will impact the healing timeline after extractions.

If you have minimal preexisting bone loss or periodontal disease, your bone may regenerate faster, allowing for an implant in 5-6 months. However, those with poorer bone quality may need to wait 9 months or longer before sufficient bone regenerates for implant integration.

The amount of bone present is evaluated using dental X-rays and CBCT scans. If you have severe atrophy or bone loss, you may be a candidate for grafting and other procedures to boost bone volume first before placing an implant. This can lengthen the wait time.

Are there ways to shorten your wait time for implants?

Possibly. In some cases, bone grafting or ridge preservation done immediately after the extraction may help accelerate the healing process to support an implant.

Your dentist may immediately place graft material into the empty socket to encourage faster bone growth. This could shorten the wait time for the right candidates by a few months.

However, your body needs a baseline period of at least 3-4 months to recover from injury before implant placement. While advanced grafting techniques may help, they can only partially eliminate the need to wait.

What happens if you get immediate implants after removal?

Getting an implant at the same appointment as your tooth extraction may seem like a quick fix. But as mentioned, attempting immediate implant placement without allowing 3-6 months of healing often leads to failure.

The bone won’t fuse properly with the implant right after an extraction. The body may infect and reject the implant without that essential recovery period.

Putting off your implant for a while longer is worth it for a durable, lasting restoration that won’t require repeat procedures. Don’t rush the process. Listen to your oral surgeon or dentist in Encinitas for when to proceed.

How can you maintain your jawbone health while waiting?

To ensure your jawbone stays strong and healthy while waiting to get your implant, you should:

  • Take any medications prescribed to facilitate healing.
  • Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol use, and medications that impair healing.
  • Follow the given post-op instructions to prevent complications.
  • Eat a nutritious diet with ample calcium and vitamin D.
  • Get regular dental cleanings after every six months and take excellent care of your oral hygiene.
  • Avoid putting extra pressure on the extraction site while it heals.
  • Use temporary dentures or appliances to prevent shifting until the implant is placed.
  • Attend all follow-up appointments to monitor bone levels.
  • Get bone grafts or ridge preservation if significant atrophy is found.

Be patient. Allowing your jaw sufficient time to regenerate strong, healthy bone will ensure your future dental implant lasts for many years to come!

Contact Sinclair Smiles if you need a skilled emergency dentist near you or have questions about the implant timeline. Our compassionate staff is happy to help!

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