How Can You Tell You Need Myofunctional Therapy?

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How Can You Tell You Need Myofunctional Therapy?

February 1, 2023

What is Myofunctional Therapy?

Myofunctional therapy is a non-surgical method to improve the function of the cranial-facial muscles and their ability to work together. The therapy is based on the principle that oral functions are controlled by a group of muscles called the myofunctional system. These muscles coordinate with other cranial-facial and neck muscles to move the mouth, face, and jaw.

Myofunctional therapy involves exercises designed to strengthen weak muscles and teach patients how to use their strongest ones properly.

It treats speech disorders such as stuttering, lisping, and other articulation problems. It is also used to treat misalignment of teeth, bite problems, TMJ dysfunction, and other oral health issues.

Myofunctional therapy is a treatment approach that focuses on how the facial and jaw muscles function during eating, swallowing, and breathing. The goal is to improve chewing efficiency and reduce or eliminate swallowing-related symptoms such as coughing, choking, and food getting stuck in the throat.

What Does Myofunctional Therapy Do?

Myofunctional therapy is used to help improve the function of the facial and mouth muscles. A myofunctional dentist in Encinitas, CA, can use the therapy to treat several different conditions, including:

  • Mouth breathing is often the result of conditions such as allergies, sinus problems, or enlarged tonsils and adenoids. Myofunctional therapy can help to retrain the muscles used for breathing and ultimately improve the condition.
  • Tongue thrusting is a common condition, especially in children. It occurs when the tongue protrudes beyond the teeth during swallowing. This can cause speech problems and difficulty eating or drinking. Myofunctional therapy can help to retrain the muscles used for swallowing, correcting the tongue thrusting condition.
  • Lip sucking and biting are often habits that children develop. However, they can also indicate underlying conditions such as allergies or anxiety. Myofunctional therapy can help to break these habits and address the underlying causes.
  • Poor jaw alignment is a common problem that can lead to TMJ disorders and other problems with the teeth and jaws. Myofunctional therapy can help to improve jaw alignment through exercises and stretches that target the muscles involved in chewing and swallowing.
  • Sleep apnea can lead to snoring, gasping, or choking. Myofunctional therapy can help to improve sleep apnea by strengthening the muscles used for breathing and improving jaw alignment.

What Are the Signs You Need for Myofunctional Therapy?

If you are unsure whether you need myofunctional therapy, several signs may indicate that you would benefit from this treatment. For example, if you have a tongue thrust, which is when your tongue protrudes between your teeth when you speak or swallow, this could be a sign that you need myofunctional therapy.

Additionally, if you have difficulty swallowing, chewing, or speaking, myofunctional therapy could help you improve these functions. Other signs that may indicate a need for myofunctional therapy near you include mouth breathing, teeth grinding (bruxism), and thumb sucking. If you have any of these habits, schedule an appointment with a myofunctional therapist to see if this therapy could help you.

How is Myofunctional Therapy Done?

Myofunctional therapy is done in a series of sessions, depending on the severity of the condition. Myofunctional therapists use a variety of techniques to help retrain the muscles of the face and mouth. These may include exercises, electrical stimulation, and massage.

Most people who undergo myofunctional therapy see a significant improvement in their condition. However, take note that the results may take time.

What Are The Benefits Of Myofunctional Therapy?

There are many benefits of myofunctional therapy, including improved oral health, swallowing function, and speech. Myofunctional therapy can also help to improve the appearance of the face and jaw and can help to correct some bite problems.

Can Myofunctional Therapy Change Your Face?

There are many muscles in the face that people don’t realize exist. These muscles work together to help us perform essential functions like eating and breathing. When they are not working muscles correctly, it can lead to difficulty swallowing, sleep apnea, and even changes in the shape of the face.

Myofunctional therapy can help to improve the function of these facial muscles. While it cannot change the structure of the face, it can help to improve muscle tone and movement. This can lead to several benefits, including improved appearance, oral health, and quality of life.

Schedule an Appointment

Visit Sinclair Smiles for more information about myofunctional therapy and how it is done.

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