Why Teeth Extractions Become Necessary for People?


Why Teeth Extractions Become Necessary for People?

December 1, 2019

It is common for many teenagers and adults to have their wisdom teeth removed but other reasons also exist when tooth extractions become necessary during adulthood.

Tooth infections, excessive tooth decay, crowding will also require a tooth extraction. Adults or teenagers considering braces may also need to have a couple of teeth extracted to make space for the other teeth when they shift into place. People undergoing chemotherapy or are planning an organ transplant and have compromised teeth in their mouth will need to have them removed before their procedures to maintain the health of their mouths.

Oral surgeons and dentists perform tooth extractions in a relatively quick outpatient procedure by administering local, general, or intravenous anesthesia to the patient. Removing visible teeth is a simple process but teeth positioned below the surface of the gums or impacted require an intensive procedure.

Preparing for a Tooth Extraction

Even before scheduling the procedure the dentist near you will take an x-ray of the tooth and may also inquire about any medications you are taking. Providing the dentist information about any supplements, vitamins, and over-the-counter medications you are taking is suggested.

If you are going to be treated for another medical condition with intravenous drugs known as bisphosphonate the dentist should be provided this information as well. This is to perform the extraction before the other treatment is provided to avoid any risk to your jaw. Provide information to the dentist if you are suffering from any of the following conditions:

Liver disease, thyroid disease, diabetes, a congenital heart effect, renal disease, hypertension, damaged heart valves, impaired immune system, and other conditions which may compromise the extraction.

The dentist will want to ensure all your conditions are stable or under control before you undergo the extraction. You may be prescribed antibiotics in the days leading to the procedure if the procedure is expected to take long for you have a specific medical condition.

The Tooth Extraction Procedure

The tooth extraction procedure depending on whether your tooth is visible or impacted will be extracted in a surgical or a simple procedure.

You will only require a local anesthetic for a simple extraction. You will not experience any pain during the procedure but certainly, feel some pressure. The dentist will be using instruments known as an elevator to loosen the tooth before removing it with forceps.

If you need a surgical extraction you will in every likelihood receive local as well as intravenous anesthesia. Intravenous anesthesia relaxes you and makes you calm. General anesthesia may also be preferred depending on your medical conditions. However general anesthesia will render you unconscious during the procedure. The general dentist or oral surgeon will perform the surgery by making a small incision in your gum before removing the bone around your tooth or cutting the tooth before it is extracted. As can be seen, both procedures will be completed within a short time by experienced oral surgeons in the dental office in Encinitas. Therefore you can confidently go ahead with the procedure for the tooth extraction if you have been recommended one by your dentist.

How to Care for the Site of the Tooth Extraction?

The site of the tooth extraction will require a few days to heal completely. For ensuring your recovery proceeds smoothly you are suggested to follow some tooth extraction aftercare tips mentioned below:

  • Immediately after the procedure apply an ice pack to your cheek to prevent swelling. Use the ice pack for 10 minutes at a time.
  • The dentist would have placed a gauze pad on the affected area. You should be biting down on the pad to reduce bleeding and to help in the formation of a clot. The gauze should remain in place for about 3 to 4 hours or until it is saturated with blood.
  • Any medications prescribed should be taken as suggested including over-the-counter medications.
  • Attempt to relax for the initial 24 hours without pushing yourself into your routine until the following day.
  • Avoid smoking and rinsing your mouth for 24 hours after the tooth extraction and if you need to spit do it gently.
  • You can brush and floss your teeth as normal but take care to avoid the extraction site.
  • Do not attempt to have hard foods on the day of the extraction but you can return to your normal diet as you heal over the next few days.

If you are experiencing any pain which isn’t going away even after several days or are displaying signs of any infections and oozing from the incision you should be contacting your dentist as soon as possible for a remedy.

Tooth extraction may sound and appear scary but is indeed a simple procedure that can be completed by the dentist in the dental office in Encinitas and also provide you proper after-care tips to ensure your mouth is in good condition.

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